Interacting with Layers

After adding the Lucity Spatial information to the map, users can interact with the layers using several system tools.

Map Layers

New layers are added to the map for different types of locations: One for point locations, one for lines, and one for polygons. These layers can be viewed In the Table of Contents by clicking the arrow to the left of the layer name. Users can also hide layers, open the data table, or remove the layer completely.

In the Table of Contents, click ... to the right of a layer name to display a list of action options related to that layer. Select Open Table open table to open the GIS Data Table for the layer. Select a record in the list to display several Lucity tools.

Open Module View

Opens the Data table and displays the Lucity Data for the currently selected records.

This gives you access to more detailed information and allows you to edit the Lucity record.

Relationships *

Displays a list of modules with records related to the selected record in the grid.


Enables users to view documents attached to a highlighted feature and/or attach new documents.